The Accessible Community Forum

You are the expert of your experience. Be heard.

Accessible Community Forum: Event Accessibility 101

Join us on April 7, 2025, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM PT at Creekside Community Centre

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Are Accessible Events Truly Accessible For You?

Join us in person at Creekside Community Centre on Monday, April 7th, for our upcoming Accessible Community Forum: Event Accessibility 101. This session will explore ways to make events more inclusive and ensure equal participation for all. We will highlight the experiences of individuals with disabilities as they navigate community events. Topics covered include:

  • Transportation
  • Physical Accessibility
  • Communication
  • Accessibility Accommodations

The forum aims to identify what is working and explore changes needed to create a more inclusive environment for everyone.

The panelists for the coming Accessible Community Forum include:

  • Host: Amy Amantea – Artist, Actor and Advocate for Persons with Disabilities
  • Karen Lai – Accessibility Planner for the City of Vancouver
  • Brianna Ingram – Manager of Access Transit Planning at TransLink
  • Porson Lee Technology Solutions Manager at Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility
  • Dora Patkos – Senior Accessibility Manager for B.C. Pavilion Corporation
  • Kay Slater – Multidisciplinary artist, accessibility consultant and arts worker.

Please click here to take a moment and fill out our pre-forum survey to help drive the discussion.

About our Accessibility Community Forums

Presented by the  Disability Foundation and hosted by the ConnecTra Society, Accessible Community Forums create a conversation between organizations and our community of people with disabilities.

Event accessibility is a common topic in our outreach, past Accessible Community Forums, and affiliated societies’ regular programming. Through our survey and forum, we will build on our current knowledge and broaden our collective understanding of your needs and how best to accommodate them.

Help us explore possible solutions and resources to make community events more accessible for everyone.

You are the expert of your experience. Be heard.

About the Disability Foundation:  Established in 1985 and based in Vancouver, B.C., the Disability Foundation strives to support people with physical disabilities by supporting accessible programs to enjoy outdoor activities, make social connections, and access personalized adapted devices. With the support of our well-rounded, multi-disciplinary board members, our leadership team has experienced great success in empowering the disability community to reimagine what is possible.  

About the ConnecTra Society:  Formed in 1999 by Vancouver tetraplegic Sam Sullivan, the ConnecTra Society is a connecting agency linking people with physical disabilities to activities and programs that will, over time, allow them to grow, gain confidence and become increasingly more active and involved in community life. We aim to get all people with significant disabilities living in British Columbia as socially active and engaged as possible through our workshops and other resources. 

Accessible Community Forum logo
Presented by the Disability Foundation. Co-hosted by ConnecTra Society. With funding from the Government of Canada. Also supported by the Sci Network, BC Wheelchair Sports, BC Wheelchair Basketball, Disability Foundation, Neil Squire and Spinal Cord Injury BC.

Past Forums

Disability and the Media

October 23rd, 2024

Are Arts and Culture Easily Accessible in BC? At this ACF, our community and panel of experts addressed the representation of disabilities in the media. We will discuss important topics, such as fostering more diverse disability narratives and how we can enhance honest representation within the media industry.

Disability and the Media Survey Results

Arts and Culture in BC

April 4th, 2024

Are Arts and Culture Easily Accessible in BC? Listen in as our community and panellists discuss the accessibility and inclusivity within arts and culture in British Columbia.

Accessible Arts and Culture Survey Results
Arts and Culture Resources

Accessible Healthcare

October 27th, 2023

Do you feel you have equitable access to Healthcare in British Columbia? Listen in as our community and panellists explore possible solutions and resources to bridge the gap between the healthcare accessibility you currently experience and what it could become.

Transcript of the Forum Discussion  
Transcript of the Zoom Forum Discussion
Healthcare Accessibility Survey Results
Healthcare Resource Page

Digital Accessibility

July 21st, 2023

Do you feel you have equitable access to Digital Accessibility in British Columbia? Listen in as our community and panellists explore possible solutions and resources to bridge the gap between the digital accessibility you currently experience and what it could become.

Transcript of the Forum Discussion  
Digital Accessibility Survey Results
Digital Accessibility Resource Page

Accessible Travel

March 10th, 2023

Do you feel you have equitable access to Accessible Travel Opportunities in British Columbia? Listen in as our community and panellists explore possible solutions and resources to bridge the gap between the travel opportunities you currently experience and what they could become.

Transcript of the Forum Discussion  
Accessible Travel Survey Results
Accessible Travel Resource Page

Accessible Education

November 18th, 2022

Do you feel you have equitable access to Accessible Education in British Columbia? Listen in as our community and panellists explore possible solutions and resources to bridge the gap between the education opportunities you currently experience and what they could become.

Transcript of the Forum Discussion  
Accessible Education Survey Results
Accessible Education Resource Page

Accessible Housing in BC

July 22nd, 2022

Do you feel you have equitable access to Housing in British Columbia? Listen in as our community and panellists explore possible solutions and resources to bridge the gap between the housing opportunities you currently experience and what they could become.

Transcript of the Forum Discussion
Accessible Housing Survey Results
Accessible Housing Resources

Inclusive Employment in BC

March 25th, 2022

Do you feel you have equitable access to Employment in British Columbia? Listen in as our community and panellists explore possible solutions and resources to bridge the gap between the employment opportunities you currently experience and what they could become.

Transcript of Forum Discussion
Accessible Employment Survey Results
Accessible Employment Employment Resources

Accessible Parking in BC

December 3rd, 2021

Do you feel you have equitable access to Parking in British Columbia? Listen in as our community and panellists explore possible solutions and resources to bridge the gap between the parking opportunities you currently experience and what they could become.

Accessible Parking Transcript
Accessible Parking Survey Results
#SpotTaken Accessible Parking Campaign
Accessible Parking Resources

Accessible Recreation in BC

August 27th, 2021

Do you feel you have equitable access to Recreational activities in British Columbia? Listen in as our community and panellists explore possible solutions and resources to bridge the gap between the recreational opportunities you currently experience and what they could become.

Accessible Recreation Forum Transcript
Accessible Recreation Survey Results
Accessible Recreation Resources

Built Environment in BC

May 21st, 2021

Do you feel as though the built environment around you considers your disability? Listen in as our community and panellists explore possible solutions and resources and what they could become.

Built Environment Forum Transcript
Built Environment Survey Results
Built Environment Resources

Accessible Transportation

December 4th, 2020

Do you feel you have equitable access to Transportation in British Columbia? Listen in as our community and panellists explore possible solutions and resources to bridge the gap between the Transportation options you currently experience and what they could become.

Accessible Transportation Forum Transcript
Accessible Transportation Survey Results
Accessible Transportation Resources