Who Me? Self-Esteem for People with Disabilities

Source: BrainLine

Author/Writer: Sue Bergeson

Date of publication: Reviewed July 26, 2018


The article “Who, Me? Self-Esteem and People with Disabilities” explores the topic of self-esteem and how it can be affected by disability. The author, Sue Bergeson, highlights the importance of self-esteem in achieving personal goals and feeling confident in one’s abilities. The article explores how people with disabilities may face additional challenges in maintaining self-esteem due to societal attitudes and physical limitations. Bergeson provides practical tips for building self-esteem, such as setting achievable goals, developing a positive mindset, and seeking support from others. The article is aimed at individuals with disabilities, their families, and caregivers and emphasizes the importance of recognizing and valuing the strengths and abilities of people with disabilities.

Key Findings

  • Self-esteem is important for everyone- people with disabilities may face additional challenges in maintaining it due to societal attitudes and physical limitations.
  • People with disabilities can develop self-esteem by setting achievable goals, thinking positively, and seeking support from others.
  • It’s important to recognize and value the strengths and abilities of people with disabilities.
  • Seeking support from others, such as friends, family members, and caregivers, can also help boost self-esteem.
  • It’s important to remember that everyone has strengths and things they can do well, even if they live with a disability.

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