Why Give?
Your donations and support make it possible to continue offering programs and events that bring full community participation to people with disabilities.
Every donation helps counter social isolation, bringing confidence, self-esteem and new skills to people in your community. We believe this makes stronger communities.
How to Give
There are many ways to support us in reaching our goal of bringing independence and quality of life to Canadians with a disability:
1. Donate online by credit card or PayPal

2. Mail a donation cheque
Disability Foundation
110-2285 Clark Drive
Vancouver, BC V5N 3G9
3. Corporate giving
Philanthropic donations separate your organization from the competition and fosters company loyalty, and brings tax breaks! We can make sure your community engagement message is seen.
4. Consider planned giving options
Leaving a legacy in your financial or estate plan can bring tax benefits. Options include leaving a bequest in your will, gift annuities, remainder trusts, endowment gifts, and donation of securities. Talk to us for more information about this.
5. Corporate sponsorship
Create a positive image while reaching out to a wider demographic. Aligning your brand with positive, life-enhancing activities will bring you promotional exposure – consider it a new marketing strategy.
6. Fundraise now
Support a cause you’re passionate about. You don’t need to be a professional, and you don’t need to wait for an occasion.

7. Support our ongoing programs as a volunteer
Lend us a hand, share your technical expertise, play a part. There’s always room for committed, compassionate individuals who want to give their skills to improve their own community.
Did you know?
You can fundraise on behalf of the Disability Foundation and our Affiliated Societies!
COVID-19 Support For People With Physical Disabilities
The global COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everyone in varied ways. For people with physical disabilities, barriers to accessing even basic needs are taking a significant mental and physical toll.
Those who receive daily support from their caregivers are afraid for their well-being and in desperate need of personal protective equipment. Additionally, many people with disabilities have weakened immune systems or underlying conditions, making errands like shopping for basic needs like groceries, hygiene products, and medications a major health risk.
The Disability Foundation has heard our community’s call for help, and the six Societies we support have implemented new services and virtual programs that address some of the mental and physical concerns our community is facing as we go through this pandemic together.
Our support for the unique and emerging needs of people with disabilities during COVID-19 can be seen in the following ways:
- Continually surveying and working closely with program participants and partners to identify how to best serve people with disabilities
- Providing information and resources that help with navigating this uncertain time
- Creating an online community with free virtual programs and events (ConnecTogether)
- Working with partners to address top concerns of people with disabilities
- Providing COVID-19 health kits to those who need it most (Thank you Main St)
- Providing food kits (Thanks to the Lunch Lady)
- Providing pre-paid grocery cards (Thank you Quest Food Exchange)
While the affiliated Societies are doing their best to be responsive to the changing landscape of the pandemic, we are already experiencing a detrimental effect on our ability to raise funds.
We are calling on your compassion to support our community of people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are able, please make a tax-receiptable gift today.
Your generous support shows people with disabilities that they are not alone and that we are navigating this challenging and changing landscape together.
Thank you for your support during these uncertain times.
For further details on COVID-19 strategies and activities, please visit the Societies online: